
Marathon Training and Fund Raising

Here we go again. The mileage is starting to stack-up. This past weekend I ran a 15.75 mile out and back course from Watertown, MA to the Longfellow Bridge in Cambridge, MA. It was supposed to be a 17 mile course but it wasn't but who cares. I felt great after the run -- the weather was pretty awesome and there were actually water stops. Next Saturday will be an 18 mile course (yet to be determined) but it will probably be the course listed above with an extra leg around the Science Museum to the Boston side of the Charles near MGH.

I purchased a new pair a shoes (which will be my official Chicago Marathon Shoes) and started the painful process of breaking them in this morning on a 3 mile run. October 7th is approaching quickly.

Wish me luck, or at least click the title link and donate some money to my cause...

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