
Rioting for Unemployment

I know, I know, paci.blog is not supposed to be another blog that links to other blogs. I wanted to have original content and all that, but this post is just too spot on.

I was having a conversation with someone here at work as to why the US system of employment-at-will makes our economy better able to weather downturns and rebound more quickly when things turn around. By being able to cut unnecessary-at-the-time workers so the core company can survive and hire them back when they're needed, US-based companies (Big 3 automakers not included as well as the MBTA - that's just chronyism) are able to rebound faster and take better advantage of a stronger economy.


Anonymous said...

Without having read the article, I'm just curious about this statement you make:

US-based companies ... are able to rebound faster and take better advantage of a stronger economy.

Who does that benefit? (Yes, I'm serious.)

Robert said...

It benefits the great majority of American people, Breedo.

If you remember the 70s (or look at Michigan now) you'll see what happens when economies don't rebound.

Oh, and stop being such a communist.

Robert said...

Oh, and Mike, it's "cronyism". Your spelling is what results when one consumes Mexican food and washes it down with prune juice.

Jen said...

O Bros Paci--

Where are the updates?