
The new phone book's here! The new phone book's here!

Well, not really. Mr. Gruber over at Daring Fireball is now 50% off my shit list. Why? I have received 1 of the 2 t-shirts I ordered back on January 8th. The quality of the t-shirt kind of sucks -- it's no Beefy-T.

I know, I know, I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. Wait!!!! I paid for this horse. I can bitch all I want.


1 comment:

D.J. said...

I too have been shafted by the promise of t-shirts for money. I've started writing a blog at http://deargruber.blogspot.com to try and get Mr. Gruber's attention. I'd love to share your story, either in the comments, or if you want you could email me at letters2john@gmail.com. I hope you can get the second shirt!