
Gotta love the e-blog

This is great! A simple e-mail to an address at blogger and WHAMMO!!! I have a blog entry. Could it BE simpler. Please forgive me as I am on the dull edge of this blogging phenomenon.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's simple, but it looks so conformist. How about livening it up a bit, huh? As critical as you are of other websites.....

Mike said...

It's a lot better looking than your site, Mr. Breedo. Besides, I just started tinkering. When I have more time, I WILL liven it up a bit. How about some suggestions on content?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that one doesn't fly. My site might not have been da bomb, but it was at least pleasing to look at...nice shading, variety of icons, etc.

As for content, I'm not much of a blog fan, but try to keep it interesting. I would recommend having an occasional link to dumbassdaily or bulletingboardforums. You can always find entertainment there.

Mike said...

Sorry, but your site was butt ugly.