
More iBook-related idiocy

Bruce Schneier comments on the case of the Kutztown 13. (I happen to know someone from Kutztown.)


Anonymous said...

My favorite line is:
"the kids should be able to do whatever they wanted to with the free machines."

Love the appreciation there. Thanks for the freebie, see ya sucker. Wonder what the parents would think if they gave their kid $20 to buy a gift for grandmom and the kid went and bought themself a video game for $18.

Mike said...

Where can you find a video game for $18?

The parents aren't stupid, they're just ignorant. OK, they're stupid too. Where is the discipline these days? Parents let their kids rule them. Just look around you: the mall, the movies, everywhere there are little shitheads ruining my day.


Anonymous said...

You're kidding, right? You can't find games for under $20?!? Look around and you can find them...even good ones when they're sold second hand :-)

Yes, parents are ignorant and stupid, but the problem isn't always that parents let their kids rule them. More often than you might imagine the parents *encourage* the behavior. Every time a parent hosts a party for the kids or calls a teacher just because little Johnny didn't get the grade they wanted, they're encouraging this lack of discipline. Damn it all, it interferes with my day, too, and really puts a buzzkill on my porn! :-)